List of Section 13(f) Securities

We download the Adobe PDF file containing the List of Section 13(f) Securities.  The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) publishes the List of Section 13(f) Securities at the end of each calendar quarter.  The Adobe PDF files are available for download directly from the SEC website.

Official List of Section 13(f) Securities

Using proprietary methods, the data is carefully extracted from the PDF file and then saved as a text file formatted as Comma Separated Values (CSV).  An Excel spreadsheet file (version 97-2003) containing the extracted data is also included in the compressed Zip file.

Not sure if these files will meet your needs?  We provide a FREE partial sample file for download.  The sample files contain the data extracted from the first 200 pages of the PDF file.  Please download the free sample and verify these files will meet your needs before purchasing the complete download.  Each of our quarterly file downloads offers a free sample.  Look for the DOWNLOAD SAMPLE button to receive your free sample file.  No strings attached and we won't ask you for your email address.